
Apr-11 Homestudy began
Jul-11 Signed with Holt
6/28/11 Found Jospehine, but another family is
currently reviewing
7/13/11 Received information for Josephine
to review
07/20/11 Asked for additional information about
Josephine's development
08/20/11 Filed I800A
08/23/11 Received additional information from her
orphanage and asked to hold her for me
08/24/11 Josephine went off Great Walls list to Holt
08/26/11 Sent LOI (Letter of Intent)
9/2/11 LOI uploaded in china
9/7/11 Got fingerprinted
9/29/11 800A
10/14/11 DTC (Dossier to China)
10/18/2011 LID (Logged in Date)
12/14/2011 LOA!
02/03/2012 Article 5 Pickup
02/16/2012Travel Approval
03/13/2012 Travel to CHINA!!!!!
03/29/2012 Homecoming

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lost a tooth and short update

She lost her front tooth! It's been hanging all day. She pulled it herself and now she says it feels much better!

We are really struggling with seizures right now. She is also tired and regressing in motor and cognitive skills. I'm waiting to hear the next plan from her doctor!

I'm also sending her records to the Cleveland Clinic for an e-consult. I'm specifically asking if she would be a surgery candidate. She may be no where near that. However, surgery is looked at sooner for her type of seizure and its underlying cause, so it's worth asking.

Sent from my iPhone

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