
Apr-11 Homestudy began
Jul-11 Signed with Holt
6/28/11 Found Jospehine, but another family is
currently reviewing
7/13/11 Received information for Josephine
to review
07/20/11 Asked for additional information about
Josephine's development
08/20/11 Filed I800A
08/23/11 Received additional information from her
orphanage and asked to hold her for me
08/24/11 Josephine went off Great Walls list to Holt
08/26/11 Sent LOI (Letter of Intent)
9/2/11 LOI uploaded in china
9/7/11 Got fingerprinted
9/29/11 800A
10/14/11 DTC (Dossier to China)
10/18/2011 LID (Logged in Date)
12/14/2011 LOA!
02/03/2012 Article 5 Pickup
02/16/2012Travel Approval
03/13/2012 Travel to CHINA!!!!!
03/29/2012 Homecoming

Thursday, October 25, 2012

So proud

I vaguely remember Madalyn asking me how to spell "sticker", and a few other random words last week.  Last night, I found the cards she must have been writing, along with  a sealed envelope to her teacher.  I'm so happy  that she is proud of getting stickers, but I must admit the cards made me sad thinking about the many times she didn't feel proud for the numbers she got several times per week. Since starting Focalin, she has had smiley faces each and every day.  I hope the medicine continues to help her do "good listening" at school and home. 


Anonymous said...

Very very cool that she has a mom so doggedly determined to make sure her daughter becomes the utmost best she can be.

What kind of world would we live in if everyone had that kind of force behind them?


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Nancy