
Apr-11 Homestudy began
Jul-11 Signed with Holt
6/28/11 Found Jospehine, but another family is
currently reviewing
7/13/11 Received information for Josephine
to review
07/20/11 Asked for additional information about
Josephine's development
08/20/11 Filed I800A
08/23/11 Received additional information from her
orphanage and asked to hold her for me
08/24/11 Josephine went off Great Walls list to Holt
08/26/11 Sent LOI (Letter of Intent)
9/2/11 LOI uploaded in china
9/7/11 Got fingerprinted
9/29/11 800A
10/14/11 DTC (Dossier to China)
10/18/2011 LID (Logged in Date)
12/14/2011 LOA!
02/03/2012 Article 5 Pickup
02/16/2012Travel Approval
03/13/2012 Travel to CHINA!!!!!
03/29/2012 Homecoming

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to school night

Sent from my iPhoneMadalyn is a little sad about repeating first grade. But since she is doing much better than she has for the last 24 months,I think this repeat will be very constructive for her.

She's asking questions, and has more meaningful conversations every day. Several times she's asked "do you think I'll make it to second grade this time?". She says it with such innocent sincerity, it hurts my heart... But just knowing she is thinking clearly enough to pose the question makes me know she's going to have a better year.

Of course I tell her she will go to second grade next year! The IEP means I can make that promise! But I do believe she will make it on her own!

Her current seizure medicine appears to be working as good as her first seizure med did. That was THE medicine she started in K-5 that made her dry every night, and gave us 3 glorious weeks in China with no meltdowns, or hyperactivity. Life was great until she got the Lamictal rash and had to stop it. Since then she was wet every night with periods of severe meltdowns, hyperactivity, and cognitive decline.

But since starting Oxtellar in May, and then tweaking the dose last month, she has been dry 14 nights, which is attributed to the medicine controlling things at night (we assume spiking or seizures cause night wetting because it always responds to medication increases/changes). And we finally achieved the same result we did 2 years ago, which is since she is dry at night, she is also doing well behaviorally and cognitively.

I know first hand now why folks in the epilepsy world say "there's no such thing as the perfect seizure medicine..only the best one for the person for that particular time period"...so I'll just be thankful for today and try not to worry about next week, next year, or her teens! Ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY Madelyn!!! Supergirl is on the right track! She will not be happy doing 1st grade again but she will be very proud of herself achieving the skills base she didn't conquer the first time around because of the meds! That satisfaction will help ease the initial disappointment. You tell her Vivian and Susan are VERY PROUD OF HER!!!!!!!!