I love how Josephine snuggles into me, and when I pick her up after she's been down for a few minutes, she always initiates a squeeze around my neck. In the morning I find her quietly sitting up, patiently waiting without a sound, when she sees me she exclaims "mama", like I'm the biggest surprise of her day. I love how when she's snuggly and sleepy next to me, she pretend feeds me, and I laugh when she does the same to our dogs, who really don't get the game....and are disappointed when there's not really a treat in her little fingers. I deep breath to find patience at 3:00 am when one kid wakes the other and they start giggling and laughing wildly, and remind myself that if they don't get their 11 hours of sleep, life goes on:)
Josephine is taking more and more steps by herself, which is great for her confidence. She is still not very balanced, but it's nice to watch her be more brave! Language has been an area I have tried not to "worry" about, but her reports from China said she was "delayed" compared to others in the same environment, and Dr. Parker warned her damage could be near the speech center of the brain. So, with those fears creeping in quite regularly, I have been naming objects and describing pictures in books like crazy. And, in the last few days have decided it's safe to assume some of her sounds are the words they sound like!
Today I said all the words I "thought" she knew and she mimicked each one of them! So, here they are.
1. Uh oh
2. Ow
3. Mama
4. MAMA (meaning I want that)
5. Dee Dee (our dog)
6. MA (Madalyn)
7. Rabbit (not sure she really knows what this is, but she will repeat it every time)
8. Pap
9. Up
10. ice
11. Water
Love reading these posts! I know you are busy and cannot keep us up-to-date daily but I check daily just in case there's a new report.
Lucky to have such sweet daughters and they are lucky to have you!
Susan and Vivi
Awwe, thanks for letting me know! I have a HUGE report......it's coming on the next post:) Glad to know you will see it:):) Because I can't wait to share!
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